Michael R. Barrick's blog
Mon, 2014/02/24 - 11:00am
Sun, 2014/02/23 - 11:37am
Fri, 2014/02/07 - 9:46pm
Even with the Sochi games in full swing, my addition to the 2010 mascots is still turning up on the first page of a Google image search for "winter olympic mascots".
(click image to enlarge)
Wed, 2014/01/29 - 11:43am
Imagine if an average-sized freighter, like any of the ones routinely waiting in English Bay, loaded with about 700 40' shipping containers of bananas were to sink off the coast of Japan. Would you be worried? Based on the amount of radioactive potassium in the average banana, our hypothetical banana boat is the radioactive equivalent to all the radioactive water leaked so far.