Michael R. Barrick's blog
Thu, 2010/02/11 - 10:57am
Amazing! This is exactly how we live in Canada. I mean, I was just out in my parka killing giant, spectral ice-bears with a curling stone just last week.
Yeah, OK, I admit it: it is a pretty cool ad. It reminds me of "Samurai Jack."
Thu, 2010/02/11 - 10:03am
Wed, 2010/02/10 - 11:10pm
I'm not sure what to make of this.
If you Google "vancouver 2010 mascots" (without the quotes) on Google.COM these are the results:
Top Google News result (currently a story on the Pedobear mixup)
Top four image results
The official mascot page
My blog post with Pedobear
Wed, 2010/02/10 - 8:17pm
> Hi Michael I’m a huge fan of the new mascots! And I was
> wondering were you got the idea do make sumi? He’s just
> such a cool mix of animals with his orca hat.
> Thanks your fan,
> Meg
Stupid overload... Resisting temptation to be incredibly sarcastic...
"Well, Meg, have you ever read The Island of Dr. Moreau?..."
/me explodes in a simultaneous *headdesk* and ROFL
Wed, 2010/02/10 - 11:17am
These are my responses to an e-mail interview this morning:
1) Why did you originally draw pedobear next to the mascots? Was it just for laughs, or to make a statement?
Tue, 2010/02/09 - 10:48pm
Tue, 2010/02/09 - 12:11pm
I just got off the phone with Jason Proctor from CBC Radio One. Expect to hear me on the news at 4:30 or 5:30 today.
I hope he doesn't use too much of a sound bite. From having been interviewed on the CBC before, I don't much the way I sound on the radio.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/897478.html