Michael R. Barrick's blog
Sun, 2010/01/31 - 11:21am

I have pretty low expectations in the integrity and competence of others. I didn't always, but being repeatedly bludgeoned by scenarios like the one that is currently playing out have slowly inverted by approach to other people from one of "benefit of the doubt" to "respect must be earned."
Wed, 2010/01/20 - 11:45am
Tue, 2010/01/19 - 1:26pm
By default Parallels allocates a very small amount of video memory for Linux installs. Simply increase the amount of available video memory to allow for the largest desired resolution. With the Parallels Tools installed you will now be able to scale the window to resolutions higher than 1024x768.
Fri, 2010/01/08 - 8:41pm

I made five (arranged in no particular order) extra buttons. I'll have them with me at Sin City tomorrow if anyone wants to buy one.
Wed, 2010/01/06 - 10:36pm
Sat, 2009/12/26 - 1:54pm
I've added an improved comment-notification feature that, like every other site out there, allows you to receive an e-mail notice when content you have authored is commented on. This long-overdue features should make the forums and blogging a lot more useful.
It is on by default and the settings can be changed on your "My account" page.
Tue, 2009/12/22 - 11:16am
After another round of posts from 3rd-world sweatshop spammers (i.e. people whose job it is to manually log into websites in order to circumvent CAPTCHA forms and post spam links) I've implemented a "troll" module that allows me to block IP, setup blacklists, and other means of fighting back.