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Michael R. Barrick's blog

Self-Macro-ing Cat

Power's Out!

Wee bit of trouble for BC Hydro today...

More fun details in Logik's journal.


[Gothic BC] No Photo Booth Tonight

Sorry folks. This is very last minute, but I won't be at Sin City tonight. I got as far as packing up my camera bag and was about to get changed and disgusting sneezing fit #342 of the day convinced me that going out would be a bad idea. I've officially called in sick. See you all next time.

[Gothic BC] Forgetful Day

Well, here I am, home again from another night running the photo-booth at Sin City. No one attending the booth would have noticed, but tonight was very nearly a disaster. I forgot significant pieces of my gear - the cable that lets me use the radio trigger for my slave flash, the diffuser for my primary flash, and (a huge oversight) a memory card for the camera!

[Gothic BC] New Photo Gallery Feature

O.K., so I didn't get to posting pictures tonight, but I added a new feature to the photogallery!


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