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Michael R. Barrick's blog


When you spend a few thousand dollars on something and get told it will be delivered between 5 and 9 p.m. on a certain night is it unreasonable to expect it to actually bloody show up at that time? Or at least a phone call that there is problem?

I'm sorry Trish, I missed your dinner for nothing.

[Gothic BC] Published in Gothic Beauty #25

One of the pictures from the Columbia Gorge shoot for Art of Adornment is published in the current issue of Gothic Beauty (Issue 25, p.33).

Don't Worry

For those of you that may be a little concerned about me since I haven't been answering e-mails, LJ comments, Facebook messages, et al, don't be. There were some problems at work on Tuesday that kept me at work until 10:30 p.m. or so. Last night I was assembling new furniture and fixing a problem with my server so Elaine could update her store remotely. Tonight I have a date. I'm also busy Friday night. Saturday I have more furniture to assemble, taxes to do, web updates for an old client, my usual Saturday photography gig, etc.

Earth Hour


In Vancouver, downtown, at the end of March. WTF?

My cherry tree started to blossom yesterday and now it is snowing. Somebody mail this weather back to Toronto, please.

Oringinal post:


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