Michael R. Barrick's blog
Mon, 2006/03/27 - 3:30pm

Who develops a web-publishing environment with no remote development capabilities? Microsoft, that's who.
Both SharePoint and MCMS are painful to work with. Just another couple of fine products from the makers of EDLIN.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/714568.html
Mon, 2006/03/27 - 7:42am
My back is a mess this morning. I really can't let up on excercising it for any length of time or I end up paying for it as soon as I do anything slightly out of the ordinary. But, on the bright side (litterally), the living room window are clean inside and out.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/714426.html
Tue, 2006/03/21 - 7:50pm
Yesterday and today, the British press have been picking up on the work of Dr. Dunja Brill, who recently completed her Doctorate of Media and Cultural Studies at Sussex University. Dr. Brill's doctoral thesis was on Goth culture, specifically researching and comparing Goth lifestyles in Brighton, Edinburgh, Berlin and Bonn/Cologne.