Michael R. Barrick's blog
Thu, 2006/04/20 - 9:11pm

When I was nine, just for the hell of it, I wrote out every Roman numeral from one to three thousand.
Mon, 2006/04/17 - 1:51am

I'm pleased that Portland won. Not as pleased as I would be if Seattle had won. It does, however, please me a great deal that Detroit was trounced to the tune of 4 votes to 1.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/721568.html
Thu, 2006/04/13 - 1:12pm

For the first time in years I have both Good Friday and Easter Monday off (union job). I intend to take my camera to Blender tonight. Considering I am normally confined to the photo area when I am at Club 23 West it will be fun to get pictures showing the space, although my heels are currently swiss cheese from new-shoe-itis, so I may not be inclined to be on them much.
Wed, 2006/04/12 - 10:00am
Tue, 2006/04/11 - 10:51pm
Tue, 2006/04/11 - 5:09pm
This morning on the SkyTrain I couldn't help overhearing a woman complaining about her job. In fact people on the next car probably couldn't help overhearing her. She was clearly speaking for the benefit of her captive audience of trapped commuters. She had the suburban Vancouver area accent - a blend of an American accent picked up from learning English from the television and slow-speaking rural stoner. Just from the sound of her voice you could tell she was fifty pounds overweight and fifteen years out of style.