Michael R. Barrick's blog
Wed, 2006/02/15 - 3:51pm

Tonight at seven o'clock is interview number two for the job in Wellington. I spent yesterday evening preparing for it, writing myself notes on all the usual interview-y kind of questions (there are advantages to phone interviews - being able to discreetly refer to notes is a big one).
Wed, 2006/02/15 - 9:52am
I hate paying money to figure out how much I money I have to pay.
It's like paying in advance for the privledge of spending a week to plan your own mugging, then mailing the money to the mugger who can't be arsed to show up.
Tue, 2006/02/14 - 9:32pm

Ancient Romans had half a dozen shades of saying "I/me".
The Japanese have a dozen ways of saying "thank you".
The Innu have about two dozen ways of saying "snow".
The Hawaiians have about four dozen words for various types of ocean waves.
Tue, 2006/02/14 - 12:25pm

I was half an hour late for work this morning. I blame the 2010 Winter Olympics.
Mon, 2006/02/13 - 10:48am

Well, damn. Looking at electrical standards, transformers, and the like I now have a handle on what we can convert by various means vs. what would have to ditched if I get the job. There is an amusing irony that what is the oldest, most-common, and simplest bit of electic technology is the biggest problem.
Sat, 2006/02/11 - 12:37pm
Wed, 2006/02/08 - 2:07pm
len·tic·u·lar (
adj. 1. Shaped like a biconvex lens. 2. Of or relating to a lens.