Michael R. Barrick's blog
Tue, 2006/02/07 - 12:05pm

No news about the lead in Wellington yesterday. I'm not surprised by this since I was told on what was a Friday afternoon just before a summer long weekend that HR would be setting up a telephone interview. I can't imagine that being on the top of anyone's list first thing back from a long weekend. In fact, if it were me, I'd have this week booked off as vacation.
Mon, 2006/02/06 - 10:11am

Well, I paid for my stereo camera this morning, and it will be shipping by insured USPS. I can hardly wait until it shows up.
In a fit of massive geekery I bought this:

Thu, 2006/02/02 - 2:34pm
I just got a call from the fellow I've been corresponding with, Kevin Kelly, about the job in Wellington. They are keen on me and I will have my first interview with the hiring manager, Rodney Whitmore, most likely Monday night local time (Tuesday afternoon in New Zealand; Monday is a holiday there, apparently). This is a very solid nibble.
Wed, 2006/02/01 - 11:13pm

I meant to post these ages ago. This is a little photo restoration work (the original and restored print are 8" x 10") I did for
drakeula's birthday last year:
Wed, 2006/02/01 - 1:25pm
Given that Lotus Domino and related products are typically deployed by larger organisations and development is typically done from "head office" locations, opportunities for employment in my profession tend to be concentrated in a small number of cities. In the English-speaking world this comes down to New York, Boston, Chicago, London, Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary, Sydney, Melbourne, Aukland, and Wellington.