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Michael R. Barrick's blog

Stupid World

I just filled out my income statement for the student loan Nazis and printed off a bunch of cheques for the evil bastards. The dates are all highlighted and also written on the backs of the cheques where they are also highlighted.

Er, um...

I made a small mistake on my finances. I still owe the lawyer money. While I'm not so broke as I was before this puts a damper on surfing next week with Opie and, thanks to the machinations of other lawyers, I will not be getting my inheritance from my Uncle Floran until the end of September.

As my mother so elequently put it in her e-mail to me explaining why the inheritance would be delayed: "All lawyers are shysters."

What happens when tree-hugging nazis run the world

So, as suspected, the Wonder Wagon failed Air Care. I noticed that the schmoe that was doing the test was running the car right at the top edge of the green zone and I failed just by a hair. If he had run the car in the middle of the green zone I would have passed. Oh, well. I only wanted three months insurance anyway. Now I have to decide if I put money into the wagon or look for new car.

Air Care

Has this happened to you?

Ever been really pissed off because of something you dreamt?

Oringinal post:

Suddenly nothing happened

All of a sudden I am feeling very, very sleepy. I was going to bug Trish and Michelle to let me tag along with them tonight, but now that I am home I think I may just go to sleep on the couch.

Oringinal post:


Due to the miracle of atomic mutation the city was saved...

Vancouver Sun article
Cat for Trish

...but at what cost?

Actually this is brilliant. Now if they can pull off a retrovirus to upgrade my existing cats...

And in other news...

Today's Vancouver Surrey Province headline:

Bitching pays off

Letter from the landlord


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