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Michael R. Barrick's blog


The more I look at my own behaviour the more convinced I become that I suffer from the opposite of seasonal affected disorder. Thankfully rain is coming tonight.

Oringinal post:

There are self-cleaning ovens

Why can't this apply to my entire apartment?

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To hell with it all

It's pointless. If I live for a hundred more years or die tomorrow the only difference will be the amount of misery I'll have to endure.

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Cash only

Here I am, still refusing to use a debit card...

And to think, people rioted in Paris when they officially named and numbered the streets because it represented too much of an invasion of privacy.

How did this happen?

I'm actually doing something interesting today. I'm having fun at work. Whoa.

Oringinal post:

Suffering for my ideals

See the "New Romantics" sign in the Fleuvog window.

Go in and see brand new pointy shoes.

Love the pointy shoes.

Buy the pointy shoes.

Walk home in the pointy shoes - hey that didn't hurt much!

Consequently decide to walk to work in the pointy shoes.

Show up considerably later than usual and ask the receptionist where the bandages are.

But, damn it, they are pointy Fleuvogs!

Yay! Money!

New 'Vogs!
Yay! New Shoes!
Yay! Pointy 'Vogs!

Oringinal post:

So tempted resize Trish's pictures so I can read my friends page without having to scroll sideways.

Oringinal post:

More indecision

I still can't decide if life sucks or if I am enjoying myself Yesterday as I was walking home I ran into nice Nicole again, as well as Lori and Graeme. Work today alternated between biting ass and being interesting. Ivana's dropped off the face of the earth, not a word from her for over a week - so I'm giving up on her.

No pre. No post. No anti.

Tearing things down, rejecting the past or trying to crawl back into it outright are no way to build anything new. What has happened has happened, you can't change it and you can't ignore it. You can't take something away without offering something better. These just aren't ways to capture people's imaginations en masse, not in any meaningful way. The only way to build something new and better is to found it solidly in what is past, then hide that foundation in brilliant new construction. It doesn't matter about the rest of the crap off to the sides.


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