Michael R. Barrick's blog
Wed, 2022/10/05 - 6:30pm
Self-portrait as Baron Samedi.
Sat, 2022/10/01 - 3:30am
Paid attention to what I was doing this time and made notes.
Sat, 2022/10/01 - 12:30am
Results successfully duplicated.
Fri, 2022/09/30 - 12:30am
Thu, 2022/09/29 - 6:30pm
This appears to be an invasion from Sqornshellius Zeta.
Mon, 2022/09/26 - 12:30am
I did a thing. This is the second attempt. The first one was a disaster. This one: not awful. First time I followed a recipe from the Internet. This time I 80% followed a recipe from my dad’s old cookbook and 20% winged it off memories of “helping” my mom half a century ago and nailed it.
Sun, 2022/09/25 - 6:30pm
The cat’s out of the bag—really it’s been a black and white cat doing these black and white paintings all along
Fri, 2022/09/23 - 6:30pm
Me at work today
Tue, 2022/09/20 - 12:30pm
Marpole south of 70th: the EastVan of the West Side.
Fri, 2022/09/16 - 3:30pm
My new vyshyvanka shirt. I can’t wait to wear it.