Michael R. Barrick's blog
Fri, 2022/07/29 - 9:30am
The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel
Baroness Orczy, 1919
Cassel and Company, UK, popular edition second impression February 1926
ex libris note inside front cover erased, “return to” sill legible
Fri, 2022/07/29 - 6:30am
The Scarlet Pimpernel
Baroness Orczy, 1905
Nelson Doubleday, US, 1949
Fri, 2022/07/29 - 3:30am
Scaramouche: A Romance of the French Revolution
Rafael Sabatini, 1921
Broughton Mifflin, US, 1949
Fri, 2022/07/29 - 12:30am
The Three Musketeers
Alexandre Dumas, 1844
Nelson Doubleday, US, 1960
Thu, 2022/07/28 - 9:30pm
The Man in the Iron Mask
Alexandre Dumas, 1849-50
Dean and Son, UK, ~1960
Thu, 2022/07/28 - 6:30pm
Tales from the Decameron
Giovanni Boccaccio, written 1351-53
translated by Richard Aldington, 1930
Garden City Publishing, US, 1930
Thu, 2022/07/28 - 6:30am
It’s OK to have a cartoon crush in your 50s when the character is also in her 50s, right?
Thu, 2022/07/28 - 3:30am
Malenky, Vidma and I are all lounging directly in the path of the cool air from the air-conditioner (Vidma is under the chair I’m sitting on)
Thu, 2022/07/28 - 12:30am
Rabbit, Run
John Updike, 1960
The Franklin Library, US, 1977
signed by author on third leaf
Wed, 2022/07/27 - 9:30pm
Gulliver’s Travels
Johnathan Swift, 1726
The Franklin Library, US, 1977
publishing editor’s note booklet included