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The Age of Digital Reproduction

In case you don't already know, the title of this post is a reference to the 1936 article by Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. Call this an unfinished thought, a rant, a ramble, what have you. It's on my mind when I am making images and when I am intentionally not making images. 

[Gothic BC] Upcoming Province Article

This morning I had a little photoshoot, where I was the subject not the photographer, over by Holy Rosary Cathedral on Richards Street. It is for an upcoming article in The Province related to the "Gothic Migrations" 12th Biennial Conference of the International Gothic Association. The International Gothic Association is out of Lancaster University and devoted the academic study of the Gothic founded in, but extending well beyond, the Gothic sub-genre of 19th C. Romantic literature.

Zoomable Versions

Wholesome Entertainment

Couldn't find yourself in the composite photos I'm currently showing at the "16 Deadly Sins" show at the Fall? Not to fret! I have, using the Google Maps API, created zoomable images that you can browse at full resolution.


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