Sun, 2006/01/15 - 10:55pm
Wed, 2001/06/20 - 8:50pm
I still can't decide if life sucks or if I am enjoying myself Yesterday as I was walking home I ran into nice Nicole again, as well as Lori and Graeme. Work today alternated between biting ass and being interesting. Ivana's dropped off the face of the earth, not a word from her for over a week - so I'm giving up on her.
Thu, 2001/05/31 - 7:18pm
Not everything sucks. I need to point that out. Here are two good things that have happened that I've neglected to mention.
Mon, 2001/05/28 - 9:08am
I'm determined to feign enthusiasm for political purposes, but an hour into my fifth week here and I am bored and depressed. My grey cubicle surrounds me like an anaconda. My mind's eye is fixated on the unfinished painting on my easel and three countdown clocks are ticking in my head... 7 hours left to the day, 4 more days in the week, 5 more months in this contract.
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