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Michael R. Barrick's blog

The Daily Colonist, October 14, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:

• Map of the Russian front featured prominently on the front page, but most of the stories are about Antwerp.
• "Antwerp Gets Usual Orders" - food to be provided to Germans, etc..
• Canadian training and staging area in England established on Salisbury Plain
• Germans reported to be producing heavy guns with an unprecedented range of 25 miles (40 Km).
• Boston Braves win the World Series.
• And in local news, pod of "blackfish" [killer whales / orca] "spoil" sport fishing for most of the day in the Sannich Arm by scaring off all the salmon.




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People-size Light Tent

Last Friday I shot at Beerlesque. The set-up I was given was inside a white tent. I have to say this ended up being a real pleasure to shoot in. Instead of shooting with an umbrella or a soft-box, I ended up using the tent itself to bounce the light around. Basically turned the thing into a people-size lightbox and loved it, and am really happy with the results.


The Daily Colonist, October 13, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.

Most of the news is the dénouement for the fall of Antwerp. The stories conflict. Generally it seems that the Belgian army sabotaged their own forts before retreating so the Germans wouldn't be able use the city as a fortified base. It seems that some British troops accidentally (by British accounts) or intentionally (by German accounts) crossed into the neutral territory of the Netherlands and were disarmed by the Dutch. The Germans are reporting that they have secured vast resources for their army [which will come at the expense of those left in the area. To this day, 100 years later, I find it all but impossible not to eat whatever I am offered, regardless of whether I am actually hungry or not, because of my grandmother's constant insistence to "eat for the hunger that comes." She is 10 years old in 1914, and will soon be starving under the German occupation, and then will go through it all again in 1940. 1914 may seem like ancient history, but here I am, still touched by it in a direct way.]


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