Michael R. Barrick's blog
Sat, 2014/10/11 - 4:36pm
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
• Antwerp has fallen to the Germans.
• London instituting blackout order and taking other preparations in case of a Zeppelin attack
• C.P.R. executive predicts a very busy tourist season in Canada in 1915.
• Imperial Order Daughters of Empire to provide Thanksgiving dinner for troops in Victoria
• Pantages Theatre to show a theatrical recreation of the wreck of the Titanic.
• Half-page map showing the locations of all fighting in the war thus far.
• The usual summary of the week's events in the children's section of the Sunday magazine
• My usual collection of ads that caught my eye.
Fri, 2014/10/10 - 3:21pm
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
• Things are downright horrible in Antwerp now. Fighting is back behind the second line of forts now...
• Meanwhile in Brussels, people are starving because the Germans are appropriating all the food for themselves.
• British aeroplanes bomb a German Zeppelin shed
• Indications are very strong that the Ottoman Empire will enter the war on the side of Germany
• A photographer's account of trying to photograph the destruction of Antwerp.
Thu, 2014/10/09 - 9:57am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
• Assurances from "Tokio" that "Japan has no intention of retaining the Marshall Islands."
• Siege of Antwerp is the main news. City is being shelled and bombed by Zeppelins.
• Editorial on the arrival of the first Canadian expeditionary force.
• Account of German shelling of Tahiti
Wed, 2014/10/08 - 2:53pm
#dailycolonist1914 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
Even the paper is bored of the lack of substantive news from the Western front, "War Summary on Usual Line" reads the headline, so naturally the paper is full of interesting things...
Tue, 2014/10/07 - 8:11am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
• Half page ad for subscriptions [which brings up an aside about the first telephone in Victoria]
• Trench warfare becoming more, well, entrenched.
• Canada to double the number of soldiers it has overseas.
• Nine Austrians captured trying to flee Canada
• 1/4 page add for Russell Cars
Mon, 2014/10/06 - 8:37am
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
• Tale of arrest and detention as a possible spy of UBC librarian on book-buying journey during the outbreak of the war.
• Absolutely accurate method for converting "Centigrade" [Celsius, used in France at the time] to Fahrenheit
• Argument to stop all nickel exports to enemy nations.
Sat, 2014/10/04 - 12:28pm
News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
• Germans advancing on Antwerp, two of the outer forts have fallen.
• Survey of the conditions of colonies on the west coast and northern areas of Vancouver Island.
• The Sunday magazine, as usual, has a wonderful summary of the weeks events
• Full page travel article on Mount Robson in the magazine section, recently made accessible by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway.
• The usual collection of ads and advertising illustrations that caught my eye.
Fri, 2014/10/03 - 7:52am
#dailycolonist1914 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:
- Details of the German cutting of the trans-Pacific cable at Fanning Island emerge as the ship dispatched to fix cable arrives in British Columbia
- Map of Antwerp's defences [Wilrijk is directly between the forts marked F6 and F7 on this map.]
Thu, 2014/10/02 - 10:19am
#dailycolonist1914 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.
Antwerp is the big news today. The Germans have been attacking the outer defences for days now. Refugees from surrounding villages have been streaming into the city and also trying to escape north to the Netherlands. My maternal grandparents are living through this, my grandmother would have been 10 and my grandfather 14 at the time.