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Michael R. Barrick's blog

The Daily Colonist, October 1, 1914

#dailycolonist1914 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.

A lousy scan today. No big developments in the war that I could see, anyway, but a couple of interesting tidbits nonetheless:

The Daily Colonist, September 30, 1914

#dailycolonist1914 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.

The Daily Colonist, September 29, 1914

#dailycolonist1914 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:

The Daily Colonist, September 27, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.

Quite a big update today, lots of interesting things...

The Daily Colonist, September 26, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today:

• Three British cruisers sunk by a German submarine in the North Sea, 1,460 dead.
• German use of electric searchlights detailed
• [The "Evil subhuman Huns" propaganda machine is in full swing]
• Genuine signs that things are serious...
• Ads that caught my eye.

The Daily Colonist

#dailycolonist1914 - Let's pretend the paper got rained on this morning. The wife has it in the oven to dry out and I'll read it after dinner tonight...

[Gothic BC] You Say Goodbye and I Say Ello

So the "exodus" to Ello is the big deal du jour.  Right now, it all bears a striking resemblance to the initial scramble to Google+ that still hasn't really gained traction. There's no real way of knowing at this point.

The Daily Colonist, September 25, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.

• [Airplanes you just don't ever see in the movies about WWI]
• Germans faking surrender
• Details of life on the front

The Daily Colonist, September 24, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today

The Daily Colonist, September 23, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.

The articles and ads that caught my eye today:

• Canadians keen to be dispatched to front
• Serbian army captures Sarajevo
• Italian saber-rattling
• [Meanwhile, on the moon]
• Smart shoes, sweaters for fall, and good advice in today's ads...


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