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Michael R. Barrick's blog

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Today's Flickr Photos

Today's Flickr Photos

Today's Flickr Photos

Today's Flickr Photos

Animal Testing

I'll Never Get Old

...because I'll die from a fucking aneurysm first as everything gradually goes to shit.

I went to buy jeans today.

Today's Deviations

Steampunk Stereoscope 88

Original stereoscopic image photographed at the VSteam (Vancouver Steampunks) One-day Steampunk Mini-Con.


Sex and the City

Elaine and I were just watching the first Sex and the City movie and Elaine made a comment about how big "Big" looked.

"He's exactly the same size as me," I said, "Remember when I bid on his suit?"

"Oh, yeah, " she replied, "then she must be tiny,"


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