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Michael R. Barrick's blog

VSteam in Stereo

Housing Rental Ad Glossary for Vancouver Home Hunters

"New York style" = small, overpriced, and the kitchen is in the living room.

"open concept" = the kitchen is in the living room

"garden level" = basement

"no smoking" = landlord is too cheap to paint

"no pets" = landlord is too cheap to change carpets

"sub-penthouse" = nondescript apartment somewhere above the middle of a bee-hive tower

"large/spacious studio" = shoebox

"soundproof" = concrete walls/floors that transmit every pin-drop like someone is bowling in the next apartment

Canada Day - Do Not Let this Go Unchallenged!

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

As pertinent to the arbitrary detaining of protesters and bystanders last weekend in Toronto:

CBC News - The Globe and Mail - Macleans ...

Even the mainstream media is reporting abuses. Just a sampling.


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