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Michael R. Barrick's blog

Today's Tweets

10:21:49  —  - Rabbits, rabbits!

You can find me as MichaelBarrick on Twitter.

Oringinal post:

[Gothic BC] Refreshing the Image Database

I'm refreshing the entire image database for the photo gallery. While this is going on there will be missing images in the gallery and the site will be slower than usual. Everything will gradually reappear, but it will take the better part of this weekend to finish.

[Gothic BC] On the Price of Photos

I frequently get asked to send people the electronic version of the photo I have taken of them, and I occasionally do. I should admit that whether or not I get around to depends more on whim than time.

Today's Tweets

14:20:50  —  - British cars are earth positive.

You can find me as MichaelBarrick on Twitter.

Oringinal post:

Today's Tweets

08:34:53  —  thinks Iceland is making an argument for the return of trains and trans-Atlantic liners.

You can find me as MichaelBarrick on Twitter.

Oringinal post:

Today's Tweets

17:36:52  —  - What's the point of robbery when nothing is worth taking?

You can find me as MichaelBarrick on Twitter.

Oringinal post:

[Gothic BC] Industrial Demise

The other day, on the Gothic BC facebook page, I commented on industrial music. Now I'd like to illustrate my point:

Me at work

Originally uploaded by Trevor Jansen

Working at "Wild Kingdom" at Celebrities nightclub Easter Sunday, 2010.


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