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Michael R. Barrick's blog


Summary of Qualifications
15 years professional experience in computer technology, with particular emphasis on communication, collaboration and web technologies ● Exceptional English language skills ● Experienced Systems Administrator and IT Manager ● Project management and development skills ● Demonstrated experience in successfully planning, organizing and leading within deadlines and under budget ● Graphic design skills ● Creative problem solver and both a critical and lateral thinker

Large Scale Scanning

Here's a question for my Vancouver friends: anyone ever had any large-scale scanning done locally? If so what did it cost? I'm thinking of having some of my canvasses scanned so I have better records of them and files more suitable for making prints from. I know Pac Blue does this sort of thing, but have no idea what it costs.

Oringinal post:

Writing a Link-Bait Crap Post

Club #3 - Finished

I finished the painting tonight. There is some glare on Anna's hair (second from the left) in the last frame. I'll take a better picture of it tomorrow. For now, enjoy the time-lapse.

Oringinal post:

A Brilliant Dance Piece (found via BoingBoing)

This is Elysium Dance Theatre at the Gothla US show in 2009. The clockwork dancer is Elysium Dance Theatre's principal dancer and founder, Elayssa. See her demo reel here:

Oringinal post:

Painting Progress


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