Michael R. Barrick's blog
Mon, 2009/03/30 - 5:06pm
Summary of Qualifications
15 years professional experience in computer technology, with particular emphasis on communication, collaboration and web technologies ● Exceptional English language skills ● Experienced Systems Administrator and IT Manager ● Project management and development skills ● Demonstrated experience in successfully planning, organizing and leading within deadlines and under budget ● Graphic design skills ● Creative problem solver and both a critical and lateral thinker
Fri, 2009/03/27 - 9:14pm
Here's a question for my Vancouver friends: anyone ever had any large-scale scanning done locally? If so what did it cost? I'm thinking of having some of my canvasses scanned so I have better records of them and files more suitable for making prints from. I know Pac Blue does this sort of thing, but have no idea what it costs.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/875330.html
Wed, 2009/03/25 - 3:20pm
Use Point Form
Tue, 2009/03/24 - 12:22am
I finished the painting tonight. There is some glare on Anna's hair (second from the left) in the last frame. I'll take a better picture of it tomorrow. For now, enjoy the time-lapse.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/874698.html
Sat, 2009/02/21 - 12:12am