Michael R. Barrick's blog
Mon, 2009/01/26 - 11:54am
Tue, 2009/01/06 - 9:28pm
So everyone is freaking out because the Russian owners of LJ have canned 12 people in the States.
For one, reality check time, Russian programmers are cheaper than American ones. I'm "SUP"-rised that people didn't get sacked a year ago.
Wed, 2008/12/31 - 12:18pm
Mon, 2008/12/29 - 8:22pm
N.B.: If you are viewing this via my feed to Facebook, click the "view original post" link to see the animated image.
Mon, 2008/12/29 - 1:46am
One of the things that makes the Gothic subculture ("Goth") very difficult to define, even for insiders, is the overlap with what I will call ?allied scenes.
Sat, 2008/12/27 - 11:56pm
N.B.: If you are viewing this via my feed to Facebook, click the "view original post" link to see the animated image.
Fri, 2008/12/26 - 12:45pm
Thu, 2008/12/25 - 12:16pm
N.B.: If you are viewing this via my feed to Facebook, click the "view original post" link to see the animated image.