Michael R. Barrick's blog
Sat, 2008/12/06 - 1:18pm

Once again I have been been ordered to create a Christmas wish-list, mostly for
Elaine's benefit...
- Dress shirts - 17" or 17½" neck, 33/34 sleeve
- Dress pants: 34" waist, 33" inseam or unhemmed
- Silk, satin, or similar boxer shorts, medium
- Ties for work
Thu, 2008/12/04 - 11:48am
We have a representative democracy. We don't vote for the Prime Minister, we vote for our local representatives. "Strategic voting" where people vote for the local party representative simply for the sake of which MP that party supports as party leader is the real subversion of our democracy. The people that are screaming loudest are the don't-get-it people that didn't pay attention in high-school Social Studies and voted for whatever nitwit riding on the Conservative ticket in their riding, regardless of that individual's qualifications to represent their riding in parliament.
Wed, 2008/12/03 - 11:46pm