Michael R. Barrick's blog
Sat, 2006/07/22 - 10:43am

No photo credit. Just as well, since the editor (Michael Scott) chose the absolute worst, unflattering photo he could have picked. I offered alternatives, but he had made his mind up based on the first photo he could find that didn't have nipples or someone flipping the bird in it, and refused to consider the better, equally tame, photos. Should I have expected more from the paper that likened me to a pill-bug? Probably not. Nonetheless, it is a published photo in the city's flagship newspaper and I'll take that feather (which I can't help imagining as being coloured yellow) and stick it in my cap all the same.
Fri, 2006/07/21 - 10:26pm
Tue, 2006/07/18 - 10:10pm
Mon, 2006/07/17 - 10:53pm
logik graciously invited
valerian and I over to gnaw on the seared flesh from the defiled corpses of innocent animals in the green-space beside his apartment building's outdoor pool. I took the opportunity to test my new waterproof camera. Behold the results:

The building as seen from the bottom of the pool. This is not a Photoshop filter simulating looking through water. I was sitting on the bottom of the pool a good six feet under actual water. I will have to get swimming goggles if I am going to do this again. Without goggles I couldn't see the screen worth a damn so composition was mostly guesswork and luck - nonetheless I managed to make a few interesting images.

Fri, 2006/07/14 - 11:46am
Tue, 2006/07/11 - 5:50pm
I've got my photography gig tonight that doesn't happen until 7:00. It's in the same building as work so there is utterly no point going home and coming back. I probably wouldn't even make it. Fortunately there is an Irish Pub across the street so I can kill some time with a pint of Kilkenney (it's too muggy out for Guinness) and a plate of bangers and mash.
I'll head back to the office when I'm done and do some work on my website. I need to start getting my store set up.
Mon, 2006/07/10 - 3:13pm

Watch out. It is one of
those LiveJournal posts.