Michael R. Barrick's blog
Fri, 2006/06/16 - 10:01pm
Thu, 2006/06/15 - 12:10pm
A Short Example on How To Get People to Look at You Like You Just Sprouted a Second Head with the Effective Use of Obscure Trivia
Mon, 2006/06/12 - 2:47pm
June is "
Bike Month". June is also "
Stroke Month".
Apparently the thing to do this month is have a stroke trying to ride your bicycle.
Mon, 2006/06/12 - 1:04pm
Mastophobia from the Greek μαστος (mastos), meaning breast. and φοβος (phobos) fear - fear of breasts. You might think this should be mammophobia or mammaphobia, but
mamma is Latin and a correctly formed phobia name should be formed with the Greek to match the "phobia" part, although there are a lot of exceptions.
Sun, 2006/06/11 - 6:59pm

Put your music player on shuffle.
Press forward for each question.
Use the song title as the answer to the question even if they don't make sense.