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Michael R. Barrick's blog

♪ Monkey Chow, For a Full Week, 'Till He's Full♪ ... um... not sure where to go with that.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the most brilliantly absurd thing I have seen in months.
Imagine going to the grocery store only once every 6 months. Imagine paying less than a dollar per meal. Imagine never washing dishes, chopping vegetables or setting the table ever again. It sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

People Are Idiots

Why are there more people on transit on hot, sunny days? On days when road condition are best and driving is most pleasant, people pack themselves like sweating monkeys piled in the back of Congolese poacher's truck, bound to give their lives in a cosmetics lab for the greater glory of better making nines of threes. What is the rationale behind this?

Oringinal post:


The bad punctuation was added by the editor.

Worth my Salt

It occurred to me today that in the six months I have been here, in addition to the valuable services I provide, I have quantifiably saved my employer more money than the gross total of my salary in the same period.

Oringinal post:

Random Thought of the Day

As the Skytrain rolled past the 1960's concrete towers near Lougheed Mall I started thinking about how these buildings were the inspiration for the apartments-on-stalks in the Jetsons.



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