Michael R. Barrick's blog
Thu, 2005/07/14 - 8:24am

Once again, for a variety of reasons, I haven't been getting enough quality sleep for the last several days. Between my own projects, working on finding a new job, contract work, and the time I have to spend at the "day job" I'm finding myself running out of time and letting my sleep suffer.
Wed, 2005/07/13 - 10:18pm

Well, it appears I have re-entered the realm of freelance web development and programming. I presented some "sketches" to a potential website client and they loved them. I use the term "sketch" to mean rough design options that are not so polished as proper mock-ups, the idea being to have some ideas on the table so I can get a sense from the reactions about which design direction I should follow through on. Once upon a time, in the early days of the web, I would
literally show up with hand-drawn sketches for this purpose. That approach doesn't fly so well anymore, but I still think of and refer to this early stage in the design process as "sketches".
Anyway, this puts two half-decent contracts into my sales funnel, which isn't bad considering I haven't been actively looking for this kind of work at all. I also have two prospects for full-time work in Toronto.
In the mean time, I'm keepin' on keepin' on with my other autistic artistic endeavours. Last Sin City I got to try out the new flash is a somewhat controlled environment for the first time. Funny (but not unexpected), having the more professional gear in hand had people lining up for photos. A few of them I was quite happy with and added to my portfolio page. Most of them, however, I'm a little disappointed with. I should have been using a longer shutter speed to catch more ambient light outside of what the flash was illuminating. Next time I'm thinking of bringing in a coloured light to put in the corner that the offset flash isn't reaching.
Also along the lines of person projects, I finally got around to using both the IP addresses available to my ADSL to logically split Gothic BC away from my personal sites, and valerian's personal site and store. Presumably because of the odd nipple, Gothic BC has managed to get included as "adult content" by more than a few American-produced content filtering products. My rule of thumb is to not show anything you couldn't find in a European fashion magazine
Mon, 2005/07/11 - 10:07am

I just applied for a Lotus Notes developer job with Tim Horton's. It would mean moving to Ontario if I get it. Not exactly my first choice, but the pay would be good enough to afford the air-conditioner I would need to survive the summers.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/631888.html
Fri, 2005/07/08 - 11:55pm
Thu, 2005/07/07 - 11:33pm
Wed, 2005/07/06 - 7:02pm

I should have thought of this earlier. The IR light coming through and the fact that my replacement for the IR-cut filter does not have the same visible tint was throwing the white balance off. I forgot the camera has a manual white balance control. Setting off a white piece paper I can wholly compensate for the magenta shift in colour in-camera:
Wed, 2005/07/06 - 6:21pm

The replacement for the conductor ribbon I ripped in the course of removing the infra-red low-pass filter from my old camera arrived today. It was no big deal to replace and within minutes I had a fully-functional camera again. Then I went on to cobble this together:

And just what is this thing? Why, it is a slide holder containing a piece of exposed colour negative (black to the naked eye) duct-taped to a chunk of toilet paper tube, of course. And just why would I do such a thing?

Because the circumference of a toilet paper tube happens to be just the same as the barrel of the lens on my old camera, making it the perfect way to hold the black piece of exposed negative in front of the lens.
And what possible use is that?
Well, it turns out that exposed colour negatives may be black to the naked eye, but they are transparent to infra-red.