Michael R. Barrick's blog
Tue, 2005/07/05 - 11:31pm
Tue, 2005/07/05 - 8:20am
...When we make 14 bored posts from the airport.
I've got an hour to kill before boarding. The odd time I had to go to Williams Lake for the old company it was just show up at the terminal and get on the copmany jet and go. None of this hurry up and wait crap.
I don't mind this when the destination is somewhere interesting, like New York, Toronto, Chicago, etc. - but the whole "check in one hour before boarding" thing and wasting no less than two hours of my life for the sake of a five-hour meeting in a windowless room in Vernon simply sucks ass.
Tue, 2005/07/05 - 5:58am

I have to go to Vernon today. The only plus side is the start-time of the meeting got moved late enough in the day that I didn't have to fly out yesterday. Only two months left to this crappy job...
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/628915.html
Mon, 2005/07/04 - 10:31pm
Mon, 2005/07/04 - 12:54pm

It's always an exercise in self-discipline to return to the "day job" after a long weekend. That I didn't quite accomplish as much across the long weekend as I had wanted to doesn't help much. I had intended to get a new painting started but woke up Friday morning with the tendonitis in my right arm screaming bloody murder.
Sat, 2005/06/25 - 10:44pm

You'd think that with the new camera, my old one wouldn't be that useful anymore. Not so! I made a slight
modification to it today and now it sees infra-red light: