Michael R. Barrick's blog
Sat, 2005/05/28 - 1:27am

Americans from coast to coast (and in Alaska and Hawaii, too!) can all rest easier, safe in the knowledge that the internationally dreaded
Fri, 2005/05/27 - 1:15pm

Another nail in the coffin. Due to all the people that have quit and been fired since the take-over the floor I used to work on has been sublet and this morning I had to vacate my office and have been relocated to a cubicle on the trading floor.
Thu, 2005/05/26 - 11:32am
I'm sitting in the passport office, waiting to see an "examiner". It is remeniscent of the closing scene in Beetlejuice. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy beside me knows how to shrink heads.
I skipped out of work to do this. The passport is so I can proceed with my Australian immigration, although in another year and half it will be require to go to the U.S. as well. Either way, it's about time I got one.
Tue, 2005/05/24 - 10:09pm
The results are in. New Orleans beat us by 70 votes:
New Orleans: 304
Vancouver: 234
Tampa: 121
The Pants of Boo: 8
Congratulations to the New Orleans committee, and props to the Tampa committee for a good race.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/619832.html
Tue, 2005/05/24 - 12:05am
Mon, 2005/05/23 - 1:29pm
Due to the voting system being unavailable for part of yesterday due to technical problems, Convergence 12 voting has been extended until midnight EDT tonight (9 p.m. May 23rd PDT / 5 a.m. UTC May 24th).
If you haven't voted yet go to http://www.altgothic.com and vote for Vancouver now!
Sat, 2005/05/21 - 11:20am
Thu, 2005/05/19 - 10:53pm

From tonight's thunderstorm.