Quatchi, Miga, Sumi, Mukmuk y Pedobear son “Las Mascotas de Vancouver 2010″, y como era de esperarse, no sólo estarán presentes en en transcurso de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno, sino que ya se encuentran en cada rincón del mundo creado por el merchandising que rodea a estos juegos.Quatchi, Miga, Sumi, Mukmuk and Pedopear are "The Vancouver 2010 Mascots", and you'd expect, are not only presented in the course of the Winter Olympics, but are already in every corner of the world of merchandising surrounding the games.
As the anonymous commenter from France who tipped my off said this morning, "Lets bet how many others medias will do it"!
Amusing as it is, it also says a lot about the quality of contemporary journalism.
[EDIT] And some credit where credit is due: the derivative work from copyrighted material *ahem* "original fan-art" into which I inserted Pedobear, which subsequently ran in the Polish newspaper, was created by Angela Melick, who, unlike me, actually likes the mascots.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/895503.html