Michael R. Barrick's blog
Thu, 2006/05/04 - 12:25pm
Tue, 2006/05/02 - 4:22pm
Fri, 2006/04/28 - 1:12pm

First off, how the crap is April over already? I seem to have lost a week somewhere.
Fri, 2006/04/28 - 7:13am

Yesterday's putz realtor must have seen that her ad was changed, it was deleted and reposted today -
but it was reposted with the same attempt to hotlink my picture. She now has
three ads pointing to the same picture:
Thu, 2006/04/27 - 4:57pm
See how many times you can board using last month's pass.
Thu, 2006/04/27 - 1:46pm

I was watching the referrer log on my server today while testing something for work and happened to see that someone had hotlinked one of my pictures on newyork.craiglist.org. Some putz realtor was using a photo I made of the view of Downtown from the South Street Seaport to sell an apartment. People who hotlink should realise how easy it is to redirect to anything else...