Michael R. Barrick's blog
Mon, 2006/05/22 - 11:04pm
Mon, 2006/05/22 - 3:04pm

I'm going to be very busy this week finishing these in Photoshop.
Sat, 2006/05/20 - 6:35pm

As you already know from the previous illustrations, 80% of the magic happens in Photoshop...
Thu, 2006/05/18 - 9:33pm
Wed, 2006/05/17 - 11:19pm
Wed, 2006/05/17 - 7:51pm

It's sort of a "The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes" meets "The Shaggy D.A." thing.
Tue, 2006/05/16 - 7:49pm

This simple ring of black metal arrived in the post for me today. It doesn't look like much, but I am very, very pleased with it.
So what is it?
Mon, 2006/05/15 - 10:16pm