Michael R. Barrick's blog
Wed, 2006/05/10 - 12:14pm

Thanks to whoever it was with a Shaw Cable account in downtown Vancouver this morning at 9:30 a.m. that chose to bounce a test of my
Domino-based GeoIP lookup off a proxy server in Taiwan. You've got me thinking now about how I might want to handle people hiding behind foreign proxies vs.
Tue, 2006/05/09 - 2:19pm
I'd like a little help with testing a geographical lookup I'm working on.
Mon, 2006/05/08 - 2:18pm

I just looked at the clock, expecting it to be 11:30-ish and was shocked to see that it is after 2 p.m.
This is good in that my work day will be over sooner than I thought and I can go home. This is bad in that my work day will be over soon and I've accomplished bugger all.
Sun, 2006/05/07 - 10:53pm
Thu, 2006/05/04 - 10:31pm
Thu, 2006/05/04 - 3:30pm

Dodge the onslaught of zombie commuters coming into town from the suburbs.