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Michael R. Barrick's blog

This is why testing is good.

Thanks to whoever it was with a Shaw Cable account in downtown Vancouver this morning at 9:30 a.m. that chose to bounce a test of my Domino-based GeoIP lookup off a proxy server in Taiwan. You've got me thinking now about how I might want to handle people hiding behind foreign proxies vs.

Little Help?

I'd like a little help with testing a geographical lookup I'm working on.

Abducted by Aliens?

I just looked at the clock, expecting it to be 11:30-ish and was shocked to see that it is after 2 p.m.

This is good in that my work day will be over sooner than I thought and I can go home. This is bad in that my work day will be over soon and I've accomplished bugger all.

Meme du Jour


Published in Australia

One of my photographs from the Collide show at Richard's on Richards January before last has now been published in Australia. It's on page 22 of issue 10 of Fiend Magazine.

You can view the image as it appears in the magazine

Remember the Pender Sinkhole?

It took until this week to get the repairs done.

Oringinal post:

Games to Play on Transit #15

Dodge the onslaught of zombie commuters coming into town from the suburbs.


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