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Michael R. Barrick's blog


This came up in conversation with _disdain_ this morning. This is what I call making the most of a bad situation. I spent a great deal of time designing a website and building and extensible workflow engine behind it for a company that no longer exists. There is a ton of content that I spent months compiling that is digital detritus now, but at least the design and programming get to see the light of day...

...sort of ;-)

Small Drawing

Two heinous incidents within a week

Apparently asking me for someone's name, especially someone who is important in my life, is a pretty much guaranteed way for me to make a faux pax. From now I will be calling everyone "Leslie".

Oringinal post:


Corpse Bride. A new animated Tim Burton movie coming out this Hallowe'en!

Oringinal post:

I want one

Say, "Arrrr!"

Never let the disgruntled employee change the signage...

evilyn13 should enjoy this.

And if that isn't funny enough for you...


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