Michael R. Barrick's blog
Thu, 2005/02/10 - 3:42pm

I left work yesterday rather pissed-off for two different reasons.
Mon, 2005/02/07 - 6:56pm
Scaaaaaary desk clutter...
Fri, 2005/02/04 - 3:43pm
Tue, 2005/02/01 - 5:27pm

So my friend
opium, who is to blame for getting me started on this whole LJ thing in the first place, the founder of the Van-Goth mailing list, and the only person to have ever actually
drooled on the roof of
the Wonder Wagon is off for an adventure in Australia (with a few weeks in New Zealand on the way). So last Saturday was her send-off party. I didn't take many pictures, but here are the few that I did take:
Mon, 2005/01/31 - 2:27pm

I got an e-mail from kaRIN of
Collide asking if they could use some of my pictures from their
recent concert here on their website.
Mon, 2005/01/31 - 1:09pm

There are, as of today and including weekends and holidays, 220 days left in my "retention package". This is going to be next to impossible to ride out. I'm utterly wasting my time here. I'm worse than wasting my time here. This non-job is sucking the life out of me. I have absolutely nothing useful or interesting to do.
Tue, 2005/01/25 - 10:09am