Michael R. Barrick's blog
Sat, 2005/02/19 - 12:21am

Even in the down on the farm in the "Dirty Thirties" it took a sweet ride to get all the
Fri, 2005/02/18 - 10:22pm

OK, I finally got one of the batteries charged and took my first few pictures with the new camera. Behold the art that
is the first picture with the new camera:

Yes, I accidentally hit the shutter button and took a picture of the floor. It was an auspicious moment.

But it is a really high resolution picture of the floor. This is a crop from the unresized version of the photo above. Eight megapixels of carpet and cat-hair!
Thu, 2005/02/17 - 10:22pm

I was busy working myself out of a job overtime today and the only store I could get to that carries the camera didn't have any in stock. I shall have to skip out early tomorrow and pick it up in the afternoon somewhere else.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/586444.html
Thu, 2005/02/17 - 12:09am
Mon, 2005/02/14 - 10:52am

I am annoyed today. I'm annoyed that I am sitting here working myself out of a job when, if this craptastic company hadn't bought my previous employer, I would be in New York right now with
Sat, 2005/02/12 - 6:09pm
Sat, 2005/02/12 - 11:38am

Meme ganked from
Bold everything that applies...