Michael R. Barrick's blog
Sat, 2005/03/05 - 12:31pm
Sat, 2005/03/05 - 12:39am
The Mac slogan as it applies to Safari.
When it comes to rendering engines for web browsers there are two that matter and the one Apple decided to use as their default browser.
Fri, 2005/03/04 - 12:35pm

On a bit of a whim I fired off a résumé to a "Développeur Lotus Notes" position in Montréal. Mon français est le crap absolue, mais quel le fucque, hein?
Thu, 2005/03/03 - 10:59am

If I wasn't already on my way out I'd be quitting this fucked-up company. In order to replace the e-mail to fax gateway that ...nah, forget it. It's too fucking stupid to explain. Forms. Buzzwords. Auuuughhh!
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/591643.html
Wed, 2005/03/02 - 10:58pm
Tue, 2005/03/01 - 10:09pm