Michael R. Barrick's blog
Thu, 2005/03/17 - 3:27pm
Thu, 2005/03/17 - 11:05am
Thu, 2005/03/17 - 10:45am

The office on the other side of me has now been emptied and the one remaining print on the wall seen in my
previous photograph has now been taken away. I now face a blank wall with two screws sticking out of it and the pile of detrius on the floor.
If anyone touches my stapler I'm burning the building down.
Wed, 2005/03/16 - 10:43pm
Tue, 2005/03/15 - 11:32pm
Tue, 2005/03/15 - 12:00pm
Mon, 2005/03/14 - 12:47pm

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