Michael R. Barrick's blog
Wed, 2005/03/09 - 1:37pm

...or "icon artists". In either case,
uncontrolled flames may result.
Surely making velvet flowers LJ-icons is an art.
If this doesn't end up on LJ drama I'll be very disappointed.
Wed, 2005/03/09 - 11:25am
Tue, 2005/03/08 - 9:55pm

Toronto, Ontario.
I have a pretty good shot at this one. It's actually in Mississauga next door to the airport (Pearson), just outside the Toronto city limits.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/595367.html
Mon, 2005/03/07 - 11:58pm
Mon, 2005/03/07 - 9:27pm

As done by numerous friends...
- go to Google
- click on the "images" tab
- type in your answers to each question, and click search
- answer with the first available picture you get back
Mon, 2005/03/07 - 12:54pm

I sent a résumé off to Victoria today, only this time I'm not talking about the capitol of British Columbia, but the Australian state. Today's winner in the "what city will I send a résumé to today" lottery is Melbourne.
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/593967.html
Sun, 2005/03/06 - 11:52pm
Sun, 2005/03/06 - 12:07pm
This is great. Some excerpts:
I know it seems improbable to your divinely guided master in the White House that mere mortals might disagree with participating in a missile-defence system that has failed in its last three tests, even though the tests themselves were carefully rigged to show results.
...control-freak antics may work in the virtual one-party state that now prevails in Washington. But in Canada we have a residual belief that politicians should be subject to a few checks and balances, an idea that your country once espoused before the days of empire.
...as a friend on your border, we will offer a different, independent point of view. And that there are times when truth must speak to power.