Michael R. Barrick's blog
Sun, 2005/03/13 - 10:18pm
Sun, 2005/03/13 - 5:37pm
But not everyone was happy about it...

Sat, 2005/03/12 - 12:44am
Fri, 2005/03/11 - 10:37pm
Fri, 2005/03/11 - 2:42pm

I think it is about time to split my fine art and photography off my personal site and have a dedicated portfolio site.
Thu, 2005/03/10 - 9:51pm

Be sure to credit Gene Roddenberry and Leonard Nimoy.
Wow. If I know it was this easy to be an artist I never would have spent that $31,000 on art school.
Thu, 2005/03/10 - 11:43am

Work is a thrill a minute. I have an adage that the usefulness of a meeting is inversely proportional to the elaborateness of the doodles produced during the meeting.

Thu, 2005/03/10 - 10:42am

Eindhoven, Netherlands. An hour's drive my my mom's home town. They e-mailed me. Right after this post I'm mailing them back (it's already after buiness hours there or I would call).
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/596197.html
Wed, 2005/03/09 - 1:37pm

...or "icon artists". In either case,
uncontrolled flames may result.
Surely making velvet flowers LJ-icons is an art.
If this doesn't end up on LJ drama I'll be very disappointed.